what what?

This is just me. My thoughts, some jokes, and hopefully some insight on life. Whatever life is we are all cought in it- so if you have any insight for mine please share. After all i can only say what i know, and chances are you know something i dont.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Every hurricane produces its own special form of disaster for everyone. Each hurricane is memorable for one or two little things that just wont ever get fixed. Our phone box was ripped off our house (which for all who want to know about repairs- is doing well) and the phone company has no intention of fixing it before they get to everyone else in northwest Florida. Soooo my mom, knowing that she could not take my cell phone indefinitely, got her own cell phone!
Now you have to understand that my mother, God bless her, is the most tech deficient and openly cell phone illiterate human on the face of the earth. Teaching her how to use it is something like a happy blend fun and torture. But she now calls me about 8 times a day just to tell me where she is and what she is doing. Its really cute.

And at least for today i am out of things to say- but i have a question about something political for yall that know more than me (so like everyone) - what the crap is up with this open border policy that congress is voting on soon- i mean couldn't that be kinda a bad thing? Especially if we let everyone who wants to register as illegal aliens and get social security? Maybe i misunderstood it all but if i didn't could someone please tell me how all this got to congress...


At 3:29 PM, Blogger Xena said...

Well, I will comment on the cell phone...I am sure my illustrious husband will have a few things to say on the political front.

I remember when my mom got her first cell phone. What a completely terrifying experience. Finally she learned to use it, sort of, and she started to call me all the time like your mom is doing. Be careful that she understands the minutes thing, my mom had real trouble with that and didn't understand that a call that lasted for 2:01 minutes actually cost you 3 and she could never figure out where all her minutes went. On and on it goes.

By the way, are the first 3 digits of her phone number 602? Someone called me from your area code with that number and didn't realize they had done it. I could hear them moving around but they couldn't hear me calling out "Hello?? Hellllooooo???" Maybe her?

Good luck with it, and remember to enjoy every minute you have with your mom. She loves you very much, and I love you too!!

At 5:03 PM, Blogger tugboatcapn said...

TC, I think that what you are refering to is the CAFTA act, or Central American Free Trade Agreement.
It really has nothing to do with immigration, but rather expanding the Economic markets between the US and some poorer Central American countries like Guatamala and Peru.
A lot of people don't like it because it theoretically opens the door for some US companies to relocate to these other countries in order to take advantage of lower labor costs and tax breaks, costing American jobs.
I didn't like it myself at first, however, it passed the vote in congress, so now I guess we have to find something good about it, so here goes.
The good thing about CAFTA is that it expands the market for American goods, thereby increasing demand, thereby increasing eceonomic growth, thereby increasing the number of jobs, not just in America, but in these other countries as well.
It also makes available to the citizens of these other countries Mortgage money, allowing them to (for the first time in history) own their own homes. The whole plan is designed to promote a strong middle class.
The Idea is, If we help to make the living conditions better in these depressed places, then the people will not be so inclined to leave these places and come illegally to America.
The truth about CAFTA as I understand it is that it will probably cost some American jobs, but at the same time it will create American jobs in other areas. Worst case scenario is that it will balance out, but over the long run, I believe that we will eventually gain jobs from the agreement.
Opening up new markets for American goods and services is always a good thing.
I hope this helps you to understand all this a little bit better.
If you have any more questions, feel free to call me on the phone, and I will do my best to help you understand it.

At 9:05 PM, Blogger o-likewoah said...

Thanks capn' i do understand it better- and dude i deffinately didnt know that it extended all the way down central america. hope it really does help. i didnt really get good information to begin with.

and xena yes my mom's number does start 602. She didnt have a voice mail message for a while- all she had was what her phone recorded in the time she was supposed to be saying her name and the whole "leave the message" bit. it took me forever to figure out what was going on but then i realized i was yelling at a voice mail recording that sounded like my sister in the background of a car. She fixed it tho- so now if you call you wont be confused.

At 7:58 PM, Blogger tugboatcapn said...

TC, you have to come back and blog some more!
We miss you!!


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