what what?

This is just me. My thoughts, some jokes, and hopefully some insight on life. Whatever life is we are all cought in it- so if you have any insight for mine please share. After all i can only say what i know, and chances are you know something i dont.

Monday, December 12, 2005


I may have been ignorent last year- but the new fad seems to be that we as associates of any retalish establishment may no longer say "Merry Christmas" anymore because it is now incorrect and insensitave of the other religeons and holidays. I just want to scream: WHAT THE #"(&)!^#* DO YOU MEAN I CANT SAY MERRY CHRISTMAS?!?!

wooo- calm down.

So is it ok to say Happy Hannakah? or Kwanza? Do we now have to put up with a "tolerence" that does not tolerate freedome of religion? (well we kinda already have been - and at the same time we all as americans joke and scoff at "politically correct") It is a good thing to be sensitave given there are many people who do not share the celebration of Christmas. But there are deffinately plenty of non christian families that I know who celebrate the commercial day- and if for no other reason than tolerence I should be able to say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Haunakka" to whomever I please- and if on a personal level they are offended; then shouldnt they ask me not to say it to them again? My real question is- who got offended in the first place, whos idea was this in the first place- The US government?... ACLU? The United Socialist Group of the Tolerence Enforcers of America??? Hmmmm... I have recently seen many church sighns and billboards with huge red bold print: MERRY CHRISTMAS! but what does that say? Maybe that there are people willing to acknowledge Christ? So squeemishly we react to His name. Say "Jesus" in a mall (not as a curse) and see how many people including yourself, get uncomfortable. I gotta say- why would something you dont believe in make you in the least bit uncomfortable. Would you hear that truth hurts? Conviction and some inate knowladge that we are sinners- could that have something to do with the fact that we as people want to get rid of God in our culture? If he is out of sight he is out of mind- if we dont have to see him we will have no responsibality of dealing with a decision. The decission being this- now that you have heard the truth (Jesus was a real individual who came to earth to die for our sins and love on us) You have to decide weather or not you believe. Think logically- its impossibal that Jesus or any god or any spirit exists. Think with that nagging that somewhere deep tells you there might be more and there is enough of a chance to drive you crazy wondering if you are right by saying "no" or if your convictions would be true if you chose to actually say "merry Christmas" and let God be a part of the schools, and the legal system, and the home, and your life, and your merrage. What has God said that has you so scared? "I love you"?


At 5:46 AM, Blogger dead to self said...

theres power in the name of god and although people may not "believe" in him. there spirit must recognize the power. as far as removing him totally there doing a good job of taking christianity out of schools
(the "not christmas but winter break"). also in texas they just passed a law saying if anyone is offended by the christian scenes placed in front of houses or chuches to complain and it will be removed. CHURCHES we dont even have the right anymore to put what we want in our own yards. and now chuches are targeted to. the last time i checked they dont tell the budist or muslims not to put up any of there beliefs in front of there gathering places! and now the way things are going i dont think it will get any better for christians. because the reason we are targeted over all other religions is? because whether people want to accept it or not we know the truth.
sorry such a long comment its just this issue really a big deal to me.

At 8:26 PM, Blogger ChefNele said...

Here's an interesting tid-bit:
I called into Walt Disney World main operator today to get connected to "access control" to get a new ID badge (all Disney Cast Members and Operating Participants must have a valid one at all times).....which always struck me as funny; the most "creative" company in America is also the most strict I mean TONS of red tape...
But anyhow, my point is that if you call the main operator of disney world, or the reservation line, or disney information, they end every call in "Thank you and have a Magical Day!"

What if I don't believe in magic?

As long as we're cracking down, why aren't we coming down on Disney for promoting Wiccanism and Magic?



At 6:52 PM, Blogger Mark said...

Happy Ramahannukwanzmas!

At 5:31 AM, Blogger o-likewoah said...

Indeed! Merry Christmas Everyone! :)


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