From: Foolish
I should have been in bed hours ago. I remember hearing somewhere that spelling many things wrong, and being gramatically incorrect is not respectable. So if they are right I am afraid i do not have the respect of individuals who read my words. And indeed why should they read it if I did not take the time to write it correctly?
I am not sure why I am worried about this now, of all times. 5AM comes way too soon. And people have long sence stopped reading blogs. But here it is. My humble apology for not editing like I should. I am sorry. And to all those I have been agitating by getting into political discussions, I am also sorry. It occours to me I have way too little life experience and or knowladge to be a real asset to any political conversation. I vote the best I can, according to my beliefs, and should stick to that. From now on I will try to.
"Better to hold your toung and be thought a fool than opean your mouth and remove all doubt"
Tracy, the foolish are those who pick apart a good argument with comments about spelling and grammar because they are timid and afraid you might say(or have said) something that convicts their spirit. It is purely a defense mechanism from those who are weak in thought. Do not quit writing or commenting on other blogs, your opinions are right on the money and age has nothing to do with it.
I understand the frustration that can come with arguments from the truly moronic, it has occasionally caused me to want to quit too, but DON'T...Someone has to say it!!
TC, don't you EVER apologize for stating your beliefs.
Your ideas and opinions are just as good as anyone else's (mine included).
Spelling and grammar are inconsequential. As long as you speak from the heart, and with passion, you can say whatever you feel.
YOU are the next generation. One of the movers and shakers of the future. (And "justlikehim" as well), and I feel better about the direction of the world because I know both of you, and I know your committment to God, and to the things that are right.
Feel free to chime in with your thoughts on my blog anytime. I will personally tar and feather anyone who picks on you about grammar or spelling (or hairstyles).
Carry on!! You rock!!
Hi. hope you don't mind me comin' by and commenting.
You know, has spellcheck.
But don't let spelling stop you. If I can't decipher what you're saying, I'll ask.
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