what what?

This is just me. My thoughts, some jokes, and hopefully some insight on life. Whatever life is we are all cought in it- so if you have any insight for mine please share. After all i can only say what i know, and chances are you know something i dont.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Well then again maybe not...

I have been seriously considering just stopping the blog all together- cause 1: i have no time and 2: really just dont know what to write about and then 3: im lazy. But perhaps not- here is the new (or really just a different perspective...) situation:

This summer (and i am so compleetly psyked!!!!!) im being shipped off to work as a "program staff" worker for an organization called Youthworks! WOOOO! Im scared shizzel-less but am so excited i dont know what to do with myself.... really

this is a short abbridged readers digest simplified version of a partial job description:
Plan evening talks centered on showing teenagers how to be more like Jesus. Organize and speak at nightly club time. Coordinate enjoyable and educational evening activities. Program staff will serve in a Kids club, work projects and urban capacity during the day. Help youth see the reason behind why they serve. Love and challenge them into growing in their faith.


How flippin cool is that?

Anyhoo- the blog thing; i have about, well, 50 days before i am gone- and then i will have so very much to write about!!! And i will only probably have the opportunity to write or even get online once a week- soooo perhaps i will just keep the blog for now- try not to be too boring in the meantime. For now im in class- and not at all using my time wisley. so this is short and quick- i do have a comment for a later version of soon, and it is of perhaps more meet for the mind- (if you understood that last sentence kudos)

Friday, March 03, 2006


I dont have much time to blog- Im sitting in class, and could probably get in trouble for not doing what i am supposed to- but oh well. Im back and for anyone who might still read I have three questions:

Why is it now a fad for guys to wear girls jeans? Or better yet why is it a fad for "emo" guys to cut off those jeans at the knee and look as if they are wearing pettal-pushers? I spent an evening on the fsu campus not too long ago- and at one of the indie stage clubs all but like 3 guys there were wearing traditional punk garb, and really tight girls jeans. Now on a whole this dosnt bother me, i find it amusing... not attractive, but amusing. One guy there had cut off his girly jeans at the knee, so i strolled up and asked him a resounding "Just out of curiosity... Why do you wear girly jeans?" He replied "cause they are different, and actually really comfortable!"
Wooo hoooo! news to me- I am a girl and i do not find girls jeans that are that tight on the butt comfortable in any way shape or form! but ok dude you be different with all the other guys in the club.

My next question- How would we college aged (19-23) kids survive if it were not for romen noodles and poptarts? I cant afford food! Straingely enough i live at home but my schedule is so different than anyone else in my house i am lucky to eat with them 4 times a week- which means there are about 15 meals that i have to figure out for myself. ...gooo. Reciently i recieved a 200$ speeding tickett for going 75 in a 55. Let me tell you i am still suffering the money loss- so .75$ sounds really good for about 8 meals worth of food! Not that all that starch and salt does me any good- but Im still alive. Oh yea and peanut butter- i would die without peanut butter- really.

My final question is rather serious- and has been sparked out of a bible study i went to last night. But do you think that the church in America as a whole is dying out? I believe it is- and there is one huge reason, and many little ones. Big reason being- the church in america on a whole does not recognize how Christians are supposed to live as servents, acting and reaching out in love. The early church were not known as "Christians" they were follers of "The Way" (see acts 1-2ish) the "way" being a way of life- a way of living. In matthew 25 Jesus says something to the effect of (and i dont have a bible so this is a paraphrayse) "I was naked and you clothed me, I was a prisioner and you visited me, I was hungry and you fed me..." Christianity in america today has somewhat become a doctrine of belief. "As long as you believe and have faith, you are saved, safe, and its all good you can stop at that" ..right? NO! Belief in Christ is essential- faith is a spring board- but to life and life abundantly. We were called to serve, not just go to church on sunday and be spoonfed warm fuzzy scripture. hmmmm. This is a truth that frightens me, cause i know i have been part of the problem.