what what?

This is just me. My thoughts, some jokes, and hopefully some insight on life. Whatever life is we are all cought in it- so if you have any insight for mine please share. After all i can only say what i know, and chances are you know something i dont.

Monday, December 12, 2005


I may have been ignorent last year- but the new fad seems to be that we as associates of any retalish establishment may no longer say "Merry Christmas" anymore because it is now incorrect and insensitave of the other religeons and holidays. I just want to scream: WHAT THE #"(&)!^#* DO YOU MEAN I CANT SAY MERRY CHRISTMAS?!?!

wooo- calm down.

So is it ok to say Happy Hannakah? or Kwanza? Do we now have to put up with a "tolerence" that does not tolerate freedome of religion? (well we kinda already have been - and at the same time we all as americans joke and scoff at "politically correct") It is a good thing to be sensitave given there are many people who do not share the celebration of Christmas. But there are deffinately plenty of non christian families that I know who celebrate the commercial day- and if for no other reason than tolerence I should be able to say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Haunakka" to whomever I please- and if on a personal level they are offended; then shouldnt they ask me not to say it to them again? My real question is- who got offended in the first place, whos idea was this in the first place- The US government?... ACLU? The United Socialist Group of the Tolerence Enforcers of America??? Hmmmm... I have recently seen many church sighns and billboards with huge red bold print: MERRY CHRISTMAS! but what does that say? Maybe that there are people willing to acknowledge Christ? So squeemishly we react to His name. Say "Jesus" in a mall (not as a curse) and see how many people including yourself, get uncomfortable. I gotta say- why would something you dont believe in make you in the least bit uncomfortable. Would you hear that truth hurts? Conviction and some inate knowladge that we are sinners- could that have something to do with the fact that we as people want to get rid of God in our culture? If he is out of sight he is out of mind- if we dont have to see him we will have no responsibality of dealing with a decision. The decission being this- now that you have heard the truth (Jesus was a real individual who came to earth to die for our sins and love on us) You have to decide weather or not you believe. Think logically- its impossibal that Jesus or any god or any spirit exists. Think with that nagging that somewhere deep tells you there might be more and there is enough of a chance to drive you crazy wondering if you are right by saying "no" or if your convictions would be true if you chose to actually say "merry Christmas" and let God be a part of the schools, and the legal system, and the home, and your life, and your merrage. What has God said that has you so scared? "I love you"?

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Hot coco and warm fuzzy slippers. A blanket and my book. Sitting on a couch- in my living room.

My house in my neighborhood. The cars the dogs the bushes the trash cans.


The town and the coastline. The bay to the gulf (sorry geography may be hard to imagine) The land in between with streets and buildings and neighborhoods.


The state. And the clouds that swirril above it.


The curviture of the earth- the sun rising over it if you wish :)


Our beloved planet from the moon.

This is not a reading rainbow world- where imagination can rule your heart. But if we lose sight of where we are, and the wonder of it all- where will we be this holiday season. Christmas is great but the whole world does not expect to spend thousands of millions$ on gifts. Hug the ones you love. The money is not worth you being depressed or stressed out on what you can or cant get. Cause truly we are just little people in our homes, on a planet, in one solarsystem, in one galixy- (on a frog on a log in a hole on the bottom of the sea) Not to make you or me feel small (we are) but to remind all of us that the celebration of a holiday is smaller than we are. It does not define us- it is just something we CHOOSE to do. Celebrate- and try to not get any more elaborate than your means can provide. Christmas was not started as a gift giving benge- it began as a celebration of a gift recieved. So celebrate it! and keep in mind also that every day is a gift to be celebrated! Not one of them is promised to us- but we recieve and forget to thank the giver of all good things.


Monday, December 05, 2005


WOOOOOOO! had this crazy thought today- Nah

Did you know wally world now sells capo's- HAH! like they have any idea how they are hurting small buisness. I hate walmart.... but its kind of a necessity seeing as how i cant afford target all the time. BLAH!

"Swing Swing" playing in the background here- on the computer that does work- cause mine is broken. But thats ok. One of the teachers at the preeschool where i work, got the bright idea today to dump a container of glitter in my hair- Ok fine.. exept i have dreads!!! Sooooo earlier tonight i sat on my bathroom floor while my mom passed a vaccume hose over and over my head- attempting to at least get enought out that I no longer look like the tooth fairy. Now i will have sparkely dreads for the rest of forever. ho-hum :) im the pixy with nappy hair. What do you wish for?

- its all sillyness today. But it was like 80F with a humidity of like 99% yesterday- then today it poured in the morning and is now freezing (literally) outside- and you expect me to have normal moods? Haha- this crazy florda weather makes a good excuse for crazyness. And thank everything good that school is almost done for the term. And I am almost done for tonight.

The badly tuned bass drum at walmart- makes a "pank" sound- go try it!!!

Thursday, December 01, 2005


There is something very bittersweet in our humanity. I am 19 and have almost no answers for you. We are creatures of worth to God- so why arn't we worth more to ourselves? Why am I so tempted by all these things around me? Why do we fall- why do we fail. We are human.

I promised a friend that I would post about God's love. But she will read this and hey girl, this isn't the one. But as soon as I get the wording right ittl come. Just know for now that sin seperates us from the presence of God (cause he is perfect and right) and the will of God (cause sin hurts us and he does not will for us to hurt or be damaged). BUT NOTHING CAN SEPERATE US FROM HIS LOVE. It extends past our sin. Farther than the imagination can take you. He created the stars with his words- but your life is his very breath. Wrap your mind around that, beautiful. I cant.

And again I dont have answers for all this turmoil. Oh how I wish i did for everyone's sake. The world wont quit being beautiful- and God wont quit setting my heart on fire! Oh man more- more and more holy spirit rushing and overflowing, you feel this sudden souring in your soul- thats him!!! Anyone reading dont think God is limited to your church or bible- or intentional spirituality. His joy is persuing us. And his spirit may come in sudden bursts of joy or the beauty of a sunset. Uninvited and unexpected but not unwelcome.

There are no conclusions to be had. Not often anyway with all the questions in my mind- I can always think of more to ask- and still have no answers. This one word from a frind of my family's just hit me like a ton of bricks. (and all the influences of my life have said the same thing to me in the last week 0 Think God might be trying to say something) it is this, His message to me and to everyone who needs Him.... everyone:

"Just keep your eyes on me."